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Let’s try that again.

Trying too hard

Sorry for the shock but I’m glad that you know now so you can be safe.

It was a really big story quite a few years ago.

Edited by MasterOfMagic at 2020-07-16 18:46:042020-07-16 18:46
Trying too hard

I’m happy to hear that!

Trying too hard

Did your friend who bought the same set check?

Trying too hard

If they don’t eat, drink, or smoke around their set, don’t let pregnant women or children handle the stones, understand that cleaning up a broken stone is more than just picking up the pieces, and wash their hands when they’re done playing the risk is minimal.

Agreed that it’s not worth taking though.

Trying too hard

Trying to move my daily tsumego into my phone since I’ll often forget and leave my book of problems somewhere that I am not.

I used to use GoGrinder on Android but I have moved to iOS and am trying to see what is out there for that. I don’t want to spend the money on SmartGo Kifu yet.

I’m half tempted to write something - say, port GoGrinder to Swift - but that’s a lot of work and I’m lazy…

Edited by MasterOfMagic at 2020-07-20 01:50:182020-07-20 01:50
Trying too hard

I had some SGF files converted from “Graded Go Problems for Beginners” and a few other collections that I would put through GoGrinder for Android.

Trying too hard

The number one thing holding me back is the regression in my reading skill from when I played much more often. It’s like a muscle that needs to be worked out in order to be strong.

Trying too hard

I’m sorry that I haven’t been more responsive in this thread. I need to set aside time to digest what you’ve posted since my skills have atrophied, but I do see your posts.

Thank you for posting to this zone. You’re not alone, even if it may feel that way sometimes!

Trying too hard

Feel free to invite them to this zone if you think they’d enjoy it!

Trying too hard

Love to grind tsumego and generalize the lessons I learn from them.

That’s probably my favorite constructive thing for me to do in my downtime.

Trying too hard

From: Tsukasas Kite at 2021-06-15 22:53:50
Can you please explain? I have a very nice but old Go set from like 2000. Are you saying the stones might be made of toxic materials?

If your stones are yunzi then they might contain lead. You should get a lead test kit to see if they contain above the allowable level of lead. If they do, you should replace them.

Trying too hard

You did! https://baduk.thread.zone/thread/6/1-50

Congrats again!

Trying too hard

Hold the black stone up to the light. Let the light pass through it. Is it slightly green? Then it might be yunzi.

If you’re not sure then get a lead test kit like this and test a few stones, even if they’re not yunzi.

Trying too hard
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